Calculate all possible permutations for an array of integers.
For example: Given {3, 5, 8} – Output should be: { 3, 5, 8 }, { 3, 8, 5 }, { 5, 3, 8 }, { 5, 8, 3 }, { 8, 5, 3 }, { 8, 3, 5 }
For example: Given {3, 5, 8} – Output should be: { 3, 5, 8 }, { 3, 8, 5 }, { 5, 3, 8 }, { 5, 8, 3 }, { 8, 5, 3 }, { 8, 3, 5 }
- Create an empty int array name buffer
- Call calcRecursive with the input array called nums and the new buffer array
- Iterate on the input array (nums)
- For each item
- Add the item to a clone of the buffer array, remove the item from a clone of the nums
- Call calcRecursive with the cloned buffer array and the clone of the nums
- Our stopping point (base case) is when the the clone of the nums has only one item (can also be when the buffer has N elements)
public class PermutationsCalculatorTest { @Test public void calc_twoItems() throws Exception { final Integer[] input = {3, 5}; final ArrayList<List<Integer>> list = PermutationsCalculator.calc(input); int expectedCount = getExpectedCount(input); assertEquals(expectedCount, list.size()); assertArrayEquals(new int[] {3, 5}, getArray(list.get(0))); assertArrayEquals(new int[] {5, 3}, getArray(list.get(1))); } @Test public void calc_threeItems() throws Exception { final Integer[] input = {3, 5, 8}; final ArrayList<List<Integer>> list = PermutationsCalculator.calc(input); int expectedCount = getExpectedCount(input); assertEquals(expectedCount, list.size()); assertArrayEquals(new int[] {3, 5, 8}, getArray(list.get(0))); assertArrayEquals(new int[] {3, 8, 5}, getArray(list.get(1))); assertArrayEquals(new int[] {5, 3, 8}, getArray(list.get(2))); assertArrayEquals(new int[] {5, 8, 3}, getArray(list.get(3))); assertArrayEquals(new int[] {8, 3, 5}, getArray(list.get(4))); assertArrayEquals(new int[] {8, 5, 3}, getArray(list.get(5))); } @Test public void calc_emptyInput() throws Exception { final Integer[] input = {}; final ArrayList<List<Integer>> list = PermutationsCalculator.calc(input); int expectedCount = getExpectedCount(input); assertEquals(expectedCount, list.size()); } private int getExpectedCount(Integer[] input) { if (input.length == 0) { return 0; } int expectedCount = 1; for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { expectedCount *= i+1; } return expectedCount; } private static int[] getArray(List<Integer> buffer) { final int[] array = -> j).toArray(); return array; } }
public class PermutationsCalculator { public static ArrayList<List<Integer>> calc(Integer[] input) { ArrayList<List<Integer>> ret = new ArrayList<>(); calcRecursive(ret, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(input)), new ArrayList<>()); return ret; } private static void calcRecursive(ArrayList<List<Integer>> ret, List<Integer> input, List<Integer> buffer) { if (input.size() == 1) { buffer.add(input.get(0)); ret.add(buffer); return; } for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) { ArrayList<Integer> newBuffer = new ArrayList<>(buffer); newBuffer.add(input.get(i)); ArrayList<Integer> reducedInput = new ArrayList<>(input); reducedInput.remove(i); calcRecursive(ret, reducedInput, newBuffer); } } }
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