Delete all nodes that their values equals “foo” from a doubly linked list, your input is on of the nodes in the list
public void TestDeleteNodesFromDoublyLInkedList()
var i4 = new DoublyLinkedItem("laa", null);
var i3 = new DoublyLinkedItem("foo", i4);
i4.Previous = i3;
var i2 = new DoublyLinkedItem("laa", i3);
i3.Previous = i2;
var i1 = new DoublyLinkedItem("laa", i2);
i2.Previous = i1;
var root = new DoublyLinkedItem("foo", i1);
i1.Previous = root;
DeleteNodesFromDoublyLInkedList.Delete("foo", i2);
int counter = 1;
DoublyLinkedItem cUp = i2.Previous;
DoublyLinkedItem cDown = i2.Next;
while (cUp != null)
if (cUp.Value == "foo")
Assert.Fail("Node with value 'foo' hasn't been removed");
cUp = cUp.Previous;
while (cDown != null)
if (cDown.Value == "foo")
Assert.Fail("Node with value 'foo' hasn't bdeen removed");
cDown = cDown.Next;
Assert.AreEqual(3, counter);
public class DeleteNodesFromDoublyLInkedList
public static void Delete(string value, DoublyLinkedItem node)
DoublyLinkedItem cUp = node;
DoublyLinkedItem cDown = node;
while (cUp != null)
if (cUp.Value == value)
cUp = cUp.Previous;
while (cDown != null)
if (cDown.Value == value)
cDown = cDown.Next;
private static void DeleteNode(DoublyLinkedItem item)
bool root = item.Previous == null;
if (root)
if (item.Next == null)
item.Next.Previous = null;
item.Previous.Next = item.Next;
public class DoublyLinkedItem
private readonly string value;
public DoublyLinkedItem(string value, DoublyLinkedItem next)
this.value = value;
Next = next;
public DoublyLinkedItem Next { get; set; }
public DoublyLinkedItem Previous { get; set; }
public string Value
get { return value; }
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